Throughout its history, one of the main political objectives in the United States had been to provide all citizens with equal employment opportunities. In the glass industry and elsewhere, being able to get the job by skills and knowledge has become a top strategic priority. The growing number of anti-discrimination laws suggests that the U.S. is moving in the right direction. Unfortunately, the issue of discrimination continues to persist. Home Glass Repair Chandler has learned that the developed world is still facing labor discrimination, and workers in the glass industry often have to go to courts.
Professionals working at Home Glass Repair Chandler have learned about a lawsuit filed by a British glass sales manager against his employer. The manager claims that his employer owes him at least £10,000 in wages and holiday pay. The employer, in turn, argues that the manager had never worked for the company and used to be self-employed. Who is wrong and who is right is to be decided by court. Meanwhile, the sales manager continues to argue that, since he was paid on an hourly basis, he considered himself a full-time employee. Firm representatives insist on treating the sales manager as a self-employed person without any employment contract. Home Glass Repair Chandler will monitor the case. However, even now, there seems to be a huge problem with the anti-discrimination laws in Britain and the U.S. On the one hand, glass industry employees and manufacturers lack a single coherent definition of discrimination. On the other hand, how glass manufacturing firms interpret the meaning of discrimination depends greatly upon their organizational cultures.
As the glass industry is expanding, there is clearly the need to improve the legal climate. This is how the glass industry can secure itself from the cases and lawsuits similar to those in Britain (taken from USGlass News Network).