Arizona Sun Screens

Sun Screens In warmer climates such as Arizona, it is common to see tan-colored sun screens on the windows of homes.  These screens not only save a considerable amount of money on cooling costs but also reduce the sun’s heat streaming through the windows up to ninety percent.  That is very energy efficient and sun…

Stained Glass – Art and Work

We in the glass industry constantly speak about stained glass. Actually, stained glass has already become part of our daily realities. We constantly monitor the most recent developments in the stained glass sector. Unfortunately, we often forget that stained glass has a long history, and a number of talented architects have become prominent due to…

Glass Industry and Marketing Research: Why Bother?

We have already talked about the role which customer satisfaction plays in the overall success of the glass business. We have provided recommendations to glass manufacturers and services providers to help them measure changes in customer satisfaction and respond to them accordingly. Chandler glass repair has some experience measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction. However, today,…

Glass saftey

Your window broke.  It’s laying in pieces all over the floor and the kids with the bb gun are already down the street and around the corner.  You bend down to start picking up the pieces – but wait.  Look at those pieces.  Are they little cubes or do the pieces have large jagged edges? …

What the heck are muttons?

Glass King What the heck are muttons?  We’re not talking about sheep meat here, we’re talking glass!  Muttons are the bars that go horizonally, vertically, or both forming a grid on windows.  Wood, composite, or metal is attached to the muttons to form panes.  The glass can be separate smaller panes that are inset, or…