ROC 335108
116 N Roosevelt Ave Suite #111 Chandler, AZ 85226
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Glass saftey

Your window broke.  It’s laying in pieces all over the floor and the kids with the bb gun are already down the street and around the corner.  You bend down to start picking up the pieces – but wait.  Look at those pieces.  Are they little cubes
or do the pieces have large jagged edges?  Did the glass shatter or crumble?  This is very important information to give when calling for a quote.  Tempered glass is a little more expensive than annealed glass but it is much safer.
Regarding safety, if the glass is annealed and broke into dangerous pieces, don’t attempt to clean it up yourself, have a professional window installer do it for you.  If you have the proper safety equipment at home such as rubberized
work gloves (not the kind you wash dishes with, glass can slice through those),  steel-toed work boots, and safety goggles, then place the pieces inside a sturdy cardboard box or some other rigid container to dispose.  Vacuuming glass with a household vacuum is not recommended.  Use a shop-vac instead.  Do not attempt to remove large pieces of glass that remain in the window!  You could get cut badly!  Handle only the material that has fallen out of the window, and with Glass repair Chandler we will handler with great care.  Better yet, call Glass King at 480-389-5656 and let one of our qualified installers clean up the mess for you!
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